A Busy Week...
This week we had our ups and our downs, our happy times and our sad times, our productive and not so productive times. But overall we learned together, played together, cried together and laughed together. It's been a good week! Here is a peek at some of the things we experienced in first grade.
Fire Prevention:
Firemen came to the school this week and spoke to us about fire safety. We learned to never play with matches and lighters and to always exit a burning building quickly without stopping to take anyone or anything with us. We also learned that our families should have a meeting place in case a fire occurs at our home. We reviewed stop, drop and roll....but best of all we got to high-five a real fireman!
Autumn and pumpkins go hand in hand. So this week we read the story Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. This story explains the growth of a pumpkin plant from seed to mature pumpkin depicted in beautiful illustrations. We practiced sequencing the pumpkin's life and then decorated a small pumpkin to take home.
The Different Properties of Blocks:
Over the last two weeks we have been learning that different objects have properties (features) such as color, shape, size or buoyancy. This week we observed the properties of various wooden blocks and discovered that block properties help us build wonderful structures.
(Jasmine and ARrielle created a "kingdom".)