Friday, May 31, 2013

Fun in the Sun

Counting Earthworms

    The day we released our earthworms to a new habitat we dumped the earthworm culture out and counted them.  It was exciting to see examples of every stage in the life cycle of an earthworm. 

Seed Sorting
     Seeds and plants are so interesting! We kicked off our plant unit by observing seeds, planting seeds and learning about how plants grow!

     We also took the time to count the seeds from several fruits and vegetables.  After counting we compared our numbers and graphed them.  Have you ever counted the seeds from a tomato or cantaloupe? It's off the charts....literally.  We didn't have enough space on our graph to show the number of seeds we counted!

 (Jasmine, Isabella and Leah counted the seeds from a cantaloupe.)

 (Emilee, Gwen and Athena counted the seeds from a tomato.)

(Joshua and Craig counted the seeds from a pepper.)


Fun in the Sun!
     We couldn't possibly stay inside on a beautiful day like today. So out we went! We had so much fun enjoying the sunshine, being silly, laughing with friends and making snake bubbles! Who would have thought we could have so much fun with water bottles,  a face cloth, rubber bands and Dawn dish detergent!

(A bubble line.)

 ( A bubble pile.)

 (A bubble beard.)

 (More facial bubbles.)

We are going to sleep well tonight!